StackStorm v1.5 is alive!

June 27, 2016
by Lindsay Hill

StackStorm v1.5.0 has been released! More features, more improvements, and more bugfixes (sorry about those). Read on to hear about the changes, or fire up apt/yum and upgrade!

CLI Completion!

Spend a lot of your time using the st2 CLI? You’ll love this change: We’ve added CLI auto-completion to the st2 command. Type st2 then hit tab twice. You’ll get a list of all available arguments. This works multiple levels deep. Very handy when you can’t quite remember the right syntax:


Simple, but cool.

Datastore Secrets and User-Scoping

The StackStorm datastore service allows you to store common parameters and their values for reuse within sensors, actions and rules. Prior to v1.5, these were available to all users. Now you can scope variables to a specific user, and you can control who can read or write into those variables. By default, variables are stored in the system scope, but you can scope it to a specific user by adding --scope=user, e.g.:

st2 key set date_cmd "date -u" --scope=user


VF Extension Automation with StackStorm

In our latest automation demo, we have another great networking use case. This video walks through using StackStorm to automate the Brocade Virtual Fabric Extension feature for VCS. Watch the video below and join our community if you have any questions or comments!


A brief history of ChatOps (at StackStorm)

June 7, 2016
by Edward Medvedev

ChatOps has been a key part of StackStorm from the outset. Even before 1.0, our first public release, you could execute any action or workflow from your chat window and get a bunch of text in response. Like this:

StackStorm 1.0, September 2015

Last September (even less than a year ago, to think about it) ChatOps as a defined collaboration model was still relatively new, and the ability to execute a StackStorm action or workflow from chat was enough to excite early adopters. You could make basic workflows and routine actions work, and it made your job a little easier while keeping your teammates in the loop. However, when you wanted to read and share the output, a dumped Python object as a response wasn’t ideal.


Network Automation with StackStorm and Docker

May 24, 2016
by Matthew Stone

What is StackStorm going to do with network automation? Ever since we joined Brocade, it’s been everyone’s question, and we have been hand-waving some answers. But the talk walks, code talks: let’s show something really working. Today’s example is on Docker network automation, where StackStorm makes physical networking follow Docker containers as they get created.

Millennial kids should watch my video with detailed explanations on StackStorm’s YouTube channel.

True hackers might jump straight to automation code on GitHub to see how it is built and try it out on your StackStorm instance.

Or, just read on.


Road to native StackStorm packages

May 3
by Lakshmi Kannan

Software is not done unless it is shipped to users and they can play around with something Tangible. For a feature or bug fix to be meaningful, the interested party has to get their hands on it, and decide if the new piece of code improves their life or reduces their pain. In this blog, I am going to tell you a fascinating story of us trying to ship a set of micro services to our customers, how we learnt from our initial mistakes and then describe our new approach to make you and us happier.

The reason I am writing this particular blog post is twofold. I want:

  1. fellow nerds to learn from our experience and replicate our success, bypassing our initial mistakes, and
  2. to self reflect on where we went wrong and how we course corrected.


Welcome linux packages, goodbye AIO installer

April 21
by Dmitri Zimine

StackStorm now installs with native linux packages. AIO will continue work for 1.3, but is no longer supported from v1.4 on. How is this good? Read on.

Welcome new packages

StackStorm 1.4 is out. It comes packed with exciting features, bug fixes and improvements, but the highlight of this release is the standard linux package based installation. From 1.4 this is the way to deploy StackStorm. And it is quite good.


StackStorm v1.4 is out

April 20, 2016
by Patrick Hoolboom

We are pleased to announce the availability of StackStorm v1.4.0. As always this release is a mix of new features, improvements on existing features and bug fixes. Lets take a quick dive into what’s new –

Packages are the new way forward 

Have you heard yet that we are now shipping packages i.e. debs and rpms for all our supported platform? We did debut these in beta form with v1.3.2 and are now ready to fully cut-over to installing StackStorm with standard packages. We are so excited by this that we will be publishing some more blogs about this topic very soon! 

Head on over to install docs and check out the new install options. 


Two weeks in Brocade: “from team of 10 to 4,000!”

April 12, 2016
by Dmitri Zimine

Big change can be daunting. For us – from working in a tiny startup to a big Fortune 500 corporation. For you – from dealing with a tiny startup, to dealing with a big Fortune 500 company.

Those of you who invested your effort (and money!) in stackstorm have been understandably concerned of our future. We spent time reaching out to our customers and large users. We are still catching up with explaining the transition, and adding answers to new questions as they come up; check out FAQ and if there’s something you care to ask, please ask. Here, I’ll reflect on the first 14 days at Brocade, report our status to our dear OpenSource community, and share my first impressions and observations.


Brocade Acquisition FAQ

Directions and Roadmap

Q: What will happen with StackStorm open-source project?

A: No change: StackStorm automation platform will continue to be actively developed, and stays open-source under Apache 2.0. StackStorm Community product remains available as a free download.


StackStorm joining Brocade

We’re excited to let you know that StackStorm has joined Brocade!

As you probably know, Brocade (NASDAQ: BRCD) is a leader in networking, with solutions spanning software networking, network fabrics, switching, routing, storage area networking and more. StackStorm is joining Brocade to help accelerate the company’s efforts to bring DevOps style scalable open source automation to Brocade’s networking solutions. Under Brocade, the StackStorm technology will be extended to networking and new integrations will be developed for automation across IT domains such as storage, compute, and security.

One reason we’re excited about the acquisition is that we’re confident the StackStorm community will continue to flourish and you will see an even larger StackStorm team collaborating with the community. The last few months have seen integrations with a variety of security systems, more monitoring, Kubernetes and much more; we are confident we’re just getting started and that the rest of 2016 will see a continued acceleration of StackStorm usage and community contributions and feedback.

We hope you’re as excited as we are about combining the StackStorm team and technology with the world-class engineering, innovation, and resources of Brocade. We look forward to continuing to work with you and growing this vibrant community!

On a personal note, let us just say thank you for supporting StackStorm. What began as a dream just a couple of years ago is now being embraced and carried forward on a much bigger stage and it could never have happened without your support and feedback. I hope you feel some much deserved pride of ownership in our success.

Yours in ever more powerful automation,

Evan, Dmitri and the entire StackStorm team.

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